
Finding a Community On Campus

October 2, 2023

Danny Canales

Class of 2024

Currently Studying: BBA in Arts and Entertainment Management

Member Of: Frequency Acapella, Latin American Student Organization (LASO), Pace Volleyball Club

Pronouns: He/Him

Lubin student Danny Canales '24

Although he's far away from home, Danny Canales '24 is finding his on-campus family at the Lubin School of Business. Not only is the native Los Angeleno building a network within our AEM program, but he is also creating a community within several organizations that promote culture, the arts, and athletics.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

It has always been a dream of mine to study in New York City, and the Lubin School of Business BBA in Arts and Entertainment Management program merged my love for the entertainment business and management into one immersive major. Pace University offered my desired course of study, and I haven't looked back since.

Clubs provide a sense of "family" on campus. Being from Los Angeles, these organizations have introduced me to lifelong friends and have granted me opportunities I would have never imagined. These clubs have enriched my student experience because they allow me to be a contributing member of the Pace community and ensure I always have something to do while on campus.

How have clubs on campus helped enrich your student experience?

They provide a sense of "family" on campus. Being from Los Angeles, these organizations have introduced me to lifelong friends and have granted me opportunities I would have never imagined. These clubs have enriched my student experience because they allow me to be a contributing member of the Pace community and ensure I always have something to do while on campus.

You serve as the President of the Latin American Student Organization (LASO). Why was it important for you to go after this leadership role?

As the son of two immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador, I've always been taught to view my heritage with the highest level of pride. LASO has granted me the opportunity to lead the Latinx student body—it's important to me because it allows me to be the voice and representation for my people on campus. This honor that was humbly bestowed on me, and the notion of being the leader of this organization, is a blessing.

How has being part of LASO impacted your experience as a student?

Being part of LASO has given me a family on campus that I can rely on and relate to on a spiritual level. Being surrounded by people with similar upbringings and the same appreciation for our culture has been a true blessing. It has also allowed me to network with so many other cultural organizations around campus and opened my eyes to the endless collaboration opportunities with them.

Why is it important for students to be involved with student organizations?

Being involved allows students to take advantage of what our school offers. Being a student goes beyond the four walls of the classroom, and being a contributing member of your school and the surrounding community is of great importance.

What has been your favorite opportunity at Pace?

My favorite memory at Pace was, by far, winning the ICCA Quarterfinals with Frequency Acapella.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students?

Value the excellent professors and advisors that Lubin offers and enjoy your four years at Pace because they will pass by before you even know it.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife means being blessed enough to attend an award-winning business program at an award-winning school in the greatest city in the world.

Follow Danny Canales on Instagram.