Martha Greenberg
College of Health Professions
BS Nurse Education
Lienhard Hall
PhD, Nursing Research and Theory Development
New York University
New York, NY
MS, Teaching
Hunter College
New York, NY
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Diploma, Nursing
Burbank Hospital School of Nursing
Fitchburg, MA
Awards and Honors
- 35 year Pace Service Award (2013)
- Distinguished Service “iPace Degree Completion Programs Team” Award, Pace University (2013)
- 30 Year Anniversary Commemorative Chair, Pace University (2008)
- Book of the Year Award, AJN (2005)
- Medallion for Nursing Leadership, United States Army (2004)
- Certificate in Holistic Nursing (2001)
- Appreciation Award, American Lung Association of Hudson Valley (2000)
- Preceptor Award, New York University (1997)
- 1995 Doctoral Scholar, New York University (1995)
- United States Air Force Educator of the Year, Pace University (1993)
- Faculty Recognition Award, Office of Adult Enrollment Services, Pace University (1992)
- Faculty Recognition Award, Office of Adult Enrollment Services, Pace University (1991)
- Charter Member of Zeta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International (1989)
- Federal Traineeship, Hunter College (1975)
- Traineeship for Graduate Nurse Education, United States Public Health Service (1975)
- Traineeship (Syracuse) for BSN Study, US Government (1972)
Licensures and Certifications
- Certificate in Holistic Nursing, Seeda and Bridges
Pace University Service
- LSNFA, committee member
Professional and Public Service
- Alumnae Associate of Burbank Hospital School of Nursing, committee member
- Alumnae Associate of Hunter Bellevue School of Nursing, committee member
- Alumnae Associate of Syracuse University School of Nursing, committee member
- Alumnae Association of New York University Division of Nursing, committee member
- American Nurses Association, committee member
- Eastern Nursing Research Society of MARNA/NEON, member
- Eastern Nursing Research Society, committee member
- New York State Nurses Association, District 16, committee member
- Zeta Omega Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society for Nursing, committee member
Professional Memberships
- Massachusetts Nurses Association
- Eastern Nursing Research Society
- Zeta Omega Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society for Nursing, vice president
- ANA New York
- Alumnae Association of New York University Division of Nursing
- Greenberg, M. (2024) Psychoneuroimmunology Theory: Foundation of Stress Management Strategies for Holistic Nurses. Beginnings, August, 6–9, 20.
- Greenberg, M. J. (2023). Self-Guided Humorous Imagery Mitigates Pain and Anxiety: A Repeated Measures Pilot Study. Journal of Holistic Nursing 42 (2): 21–132.
- Greenberg, M. (2022, May). Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data in Nursing Research Studies and Projects: Results from a Pilot Study. Nursing Research (Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. S57–S57).
- Greenberg, M. & Bard, D. (2021). A Scoping Review of Aromatherapy Evidence For Test Anxiety in Nursing Education. Journal of ANA-New York, 1,2, 33–43.
- Greenberg, M., Ballout, S., Bosse, J., DeSanto-Madeya, S., Dorsen, C., Jackman, K., ... & Burrows, C. (2020, May). Challenges and Opportunities to Integrating Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions in Nursing Research. Nursing Research. 69, No. 3, pp. E104–E104.
- The effectiveness of oral lavender essential oil on sleep and anxiety related sleep disturbances in adult patients: A quantitative systematic review. Greenberg, M. & Slyer, J. T. (2018). JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. Vol 16 (Issue 11), pages 2106–2117.
- The effectiveness of oral lavender essential oil on sleep and anxiety related sleep disturbances in adult patients: A quantitative systematic review protocol. Greenberg, M. & Slyer, J. T. (2017). The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. Vol 15 (Issue 4), pages 961–970.
- Hitting the Nursing Faculty Shortage Head On: Strategies to Recruit, Retain, and Develop Nursing Faculty. Feldman, H. R., Greenberg, M., Jaffe-Ruiz, M., Kaufman, S. & Cignarale, S. Journal of Professional Nursing, (2015). (3):170–8.
- Greenberg, M. & Narain, A. (2017) Relax with Lavender. American Nurse Today, 12(6), 1–3.
- Feldman, H., Alexander, R., Greenberg, M., Jaffe-Ruiz, M., McBride, A., McClure, M.L., et al. eds. (2012). Nursing Leadership: A concise Encyclopedia. 2nd Edition. New York: Springer.
Courses Taught
- CHP 165: Stress Reduction Using Complementary and Alternative Therapies
- HW 165: Stress Reduction Using Complementary and Alternative Therapies
- NUR 160: Exploration Into Nursing Concepts
- NUR 246: Healing with Complementary and Alternative Therapies
- NUR 285: Field Study in Gerontology
- NUR 395: Independent Study in Nursing
- NUR 405: Transition into Professional Practice I
- NUR 415: Transition into Professional Practice II
- NUR 464: Pharmacology in Human Response
- NUR 466: Transition into Professional Practice
- NUR 589: Matrices of Nursing Practice
- NUR 600: Independent Study in Graduate Nursing
- NUR 672: Complementary Health and Healing Practice
- NURS 202: Fundamentals of Nursing Practice
- NURS 249: Holistic Nursing and Integrative Healing
- NURS 250: Gerontological Nursing
- NURS 258: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
- NURS 298: Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research
- NURS 401: Building a Foundation for Nursing Practice
- NURS 404: Communication for Professional Nursing
- NURS 406: Clinical Management in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
- NURS 409: Concepts of Evidence Based Practice for Practice Improvement
- NURS 412: Clinical Management in Adult Medical Surgical Nursing
- NURS 426: Organizational and Systems Leadership in Nursing
- NURS 448: Ethics and Excellence in Professional Nursing
- NURS 474: Leadership and Management
- NURS 481: Core Competencies for Multidimensional Care
- NURS 483: Cultural Mindfulness
- NURS 484: Nursing and Health policy
- NURS 485: Leadership and Management
- NURS 486: Community and Public Health