Associate Professor of Law, Lewis and Clark Law School
October 2023
EVs as EJ?

Haub Environmental Law Distinguished Junior Scholar Award
The Haub Environmental Law Distinguished Junior Scholar Award is presented annually to an emerging junior environmental law professor who exhibits scholarly excellence and promise at an early stage in his/her career. Haub Law invites the award recipient to present his/her recent scholarship to the Haub community. The Haub Environmental Law Faculty solicits nominations from law professors throughout the country and selects a recipient from that pool of nominations.
Nominations are due by November 30 of each year and can be directed to Professor Jason J. Czarnezki.
Past Award Recipients
Associate Professor of Law and Dean’s Research Chair, Texas A&M School of Law
March, 2022
Should Water Flow Down Wall Street?

Sharmila Murthy
Associate Professor and Director of Faculty Scholarship and Research, Suffolk University Law School
January, 2021

Shelley Welton
Associate Professor, University of South Carolina School of Law
November 12, 2020
Rethinking Grid Governance for the Climate Change Era

Cliff Villa
Associate Professor of Law, University of New Mexico
April 24, 2019
Environmental Justice: Reflections and Renewal

Sharon Jacobs
Associate Professor of Law, University of Colorado School of Law
September 12, 2018

Michael A. Livermore
Associate Professor of Law, The University of Virginia School of Law
September 14, 2016
The Perils of Experimentation

Sarah Light
Assistant Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
September 30, 2015
Arctic Drilling and Wrongful Benefit

Michael Pappas
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
September 24, 2014
Distributive Fairness, Equal Protection, and Takings

Sarah Schindler
Associate Professor of Law, University of Maine School of Law
September 25, 2013
Banning Lawns