11th annual Future Environmental Law Professors Workshop

Join us for our 11th annual Future Environmental Law Professors Workshop on Friday, September 6th. This workshop is designed for law students and graduates considering or planning careers as legal academics in environmental law broadly defined. The workshop will include a panel on navigating the hiring process, mock interviews, and practice job talks.
- Receive advice on the environmental law teaching market
- Obtain an insider’s view of the appointments process from faculty with extensive hiring experience
- Learn about the history and future of environmental law in law schools
- Participate in a mock AALS interview and gain feedback from environmental law professors
- Present your work to future colleagues in the environmental law academy through mock job talks
To be considered for participation in mock interviews and job talks, participants must be registered by noon on Monday, August 26, 2024. Priority will be given to registrants that are on the job market this fall and in the AALS FAR.
In preparation for the conference, participants are encourage to visit and review the information on Becoming a Law Teacher compiled by the American Association of Law Schools.
Registration is Open. Deadline is Monday, August 26, 2024
Schedule and speakers coming soon.
Dean Elizabeth Kronk Warner, September 9, 2022
Dean and Professor of Law
The University of Utah, SJ Quinney College of Law
Keynote Address: "Cutting Sign to a Career in Environmental Law within the Legal Academy”Sarah Krakoff, September 13, 2019
Moses Lasky Professor of Law
University of Colorado Law School
Keynote Address: "A few Thoughts for Future Environmental Law Professors"Katrina M. Wyman, September 14, 2018
Sarah Herring Sorin Professor of Law
Director, Environmental and Energy Law LLM Program
Keynote Address: "The Return of the City"Hari Osofsky, October 13, 2017
Dean, Penn State Law School
Keynote Address: "Pathways Forward for Cross-Cutting Environmental Law Scholarship"Pat Parenteau, September 16, 2016
Senior Counsel and Professor of Law, Vermont Law School
Keynote Address: "Nature Deficit Disorder: A Reply to the Eco-Pragmatists"Douglas Kysar, September 15, 2015
Joseph M. Field '55 Professor, Yale Law School
Keynote Address: "Making a Contribution in Environmental Law"Richard Lazarus, September 26, 2014
Howard and Katherine Abel Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Inaugural Keynote Address: "Environmental Law Scholarship: Challenges and Opportunities"