Faculty and Staff

Meet Jose Najarro, Talent Acquisition Specialist

February 22, 2024
Jose Najarro Conhi

Start date as a student assistant: December 13, 2021
PT Staff start date: May 1, 2023
FT Staff start date: January 2, 2024

When do you feel like you are part of a community here at Pace? (Is there a program or activity that contributes to your sense of community?)

As a Pace employee, I feel most connected to the community when doing my job. I work at the Talent Acquisition office and part of my job is to help onboarding newly hired students. I feel I contribute to Pace’s mission of providing students with real-world work experience to realize their full potential. Additionally, I feel I’m part of this community when I engage in campus events, like the Student Employment Fair or the Faculty and Staff Health and Wellness Fair that occur every year and give students, staff, and faculty more information about what Talent Acquisition does.

How do you contribute towards the success of Pace?

For me, the best way to contribute is to perform my tasks with professionalism and commitment to excellence. As a Talent Acquisition Specialist, one of my primary goals is to serve as the first point of contact between new hires, visitors, or different departments and Human Resources. The Talent Acquisition team strives to improve the candidates’ experience by providing tools to conduct a smooth and simple onboarding process. We are aware that a positive candidate experience helps building stronger relationships with new employees and spreading our Pace culture.

What do you love to do on the weekend to relax?

On the weekends, I love to spend quality time with my family and friends. We usually meet to play board games, have a movie night, bake desserts, or simply having a good conversation. If I’m by myself, I like to go for a walk while listening to music. But I always try to clear my mind and do not think about work.

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