
Shipping and Shaping Success

June 12, 2023

Diego Plaza

Class of 2025

Currently Studying: BBA in Finance with a minor in Communication Studies

Current Internship: Data Analysis, MJLF & Associates

Pronouns: He/Him

Lubin student Diego Plaza '25

As he enters his junior year pursuing a BBA in Finance at the Lubin School of Business, Diego Plaza is committed to stepping out of his comfort zone to explore new interests and industries. His journey led him to an internship at the international shipping company MJLF & Associates, where Diego gets to use his skills and knowledge from Lubin to contribute meaningful work to the industry.

How has the Lubin School of Business helped you prepare for your current internship?

My professors and the Lubin School of Business staff have given me many resources to see what life is like in the business world. From work in class to extra resources outside the classroom, what they have taught me has prepared me for these moments.

What attracted you to this internship?

The oil and gas industry is lucrative. I don't think many people know the industry, but it's so large and there are so many opportunities. When this opportunity presented itself to me, I couldn't say no. Having the opportunity to take on a challenge so foreign to me was exciting. Being able to analyze tons of vessels worldwide and constantly update data was something that sounded fun and now, one month into this internship, I really enjoy what I do.

Having the opportunity to take on a challenge so foreign to me was exciting. Being able to analyze tons of vessels worldwide and constantly update data was something that sounded fun and now, one month into this internship, I really enjoy what I do.

Describe what a typical day looks like as an intern at MJLF & Associates.

Excel and Outlook take up a big part of my day. I spend most of my day on Excel, updating rates as our team gets new information. Data is ever-changing so always being on top of everything is a huge priority.

What has been the highlight or most enjoyable aspect of your internship so far?

The highlight of this internship so far has been finishing my Excel sheets. It's pretty relieving to see my work pay off. It's cool to see the accurate rates that I update used by my colleagues—it allows them to close deals and keep clients updated on the ever-changing rates. Being part of the process is fun.

How has this experience shaped or impacted your career goals?

This internship has shown me a new interest that I would like to pursue. The oil and gas industry is an industry with many opportunities that not many people I know have been presented with. Having the opportunity to take on such a challenge has almost made me addicted to learning as much about the industry as possible.

How will this experience impact your next semester at Lubin?

This experience makes me want to go further in my education. Seeing the people I work with and all of their accomplishments shows me anything is possible if you give your all towards anything in life. My colleagues are decorated in the field and seeing all they've done inspires me to work harder and achieve more.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students who would like to pursue an internship in the future?

Find places that take you out of your comfort zone and take on that challenge. In my own experiences in uncomfortable situations where I'm not 100% confident in myself, pushing myself to learn as much as possible has made a world of difference.

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