Clubs: Professional and Business
Pleasantville Campus
Accounting Society: valuable networking opportunities, “Big Four” interview workshop, presentations, and other activities. For more information, check out the Accounting Society's SetterSync page.
Center for Student Enterprise: Students who join the Center for Student Enterprise manage five different businesses on campus: Pace Perk Cafe, Pace Mart store, Pace Fit smoothie/snack bar, Pace Delivers food delivery, and Pace Connect research center. Learn more about the Center for Student Enterprise.
Delta Sigma Pi: a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. For more information, check our the Delta Sigma Pi SetterSync page.
Fantasy Investment Club: aids students in acquiring qualitative and quantitative investment analysis, while providing an exciting experience of trading in real markets with virtual capital. Club members participate in stock pitches and are eligible to enter equity competitions as well as network with industry professionals. Check out the Fantasy Investment SetterSync page for more information.
Lubin Business Association (LBA): serves as a business resource for Pace students focusing on management, marketing, and finance. For more information, check out the Lubin Business Association SetterSync page.
New York City Campus
ASCEND: committed to advancing the finance and accounting professions in the Asian and Pacific Islander communities. For more information, check out ASCEND's website and the ASCEND SetterSync page.
Association of Latin Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA): brings visibility and opportunities to Latino professionals in accounting, finance, and other related fields. With more than 23,000 members nationwide, the ALPFA strives to empower and develop Latinos to succeed in every sector of the American global market. For more information, email ALPFA and check out the ALPFA SetterSync page.
Beta Alpha Psi: is the national honor and service organization for financial and business information students and professionals. The Beta Alpha Psi mission is to inspire and support excellence by encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, and information systems, providing opportunities for service, leadership, and professional development, and fostering relationships among members and financial professionals. In 2019, Beta Alpha Psi celebrated their 100th year anniversary recognizing the 300,000 members who have been initiated since the formation in 1919. For more information about the Lubin's Iota Lambda Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi and its activities, check out Beta Alpha Psi's website and the Beta Alpha Psi SetterSync page.
Hospitality and Tourism Association (HATA): provides opportunities for Hospitality and Tourism Management students to gain value-added educational experience beyond their course work, helping them to become future business leaders and entrepreneurs. For more information, check out the HATA's SetterSync page.
INdustry Network: provides a sense of community amongst current, incoming, and graduates of Lubin’s Arts and Entertainment Management program. For more information, check out the INdustry Network's SetterSync page.
INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences): a 12,000 member society representing professionals in the fields of operations research and the management sciences. For more information, check out INFORMS' SetterSync page.
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA): builds leaders that shape the future of the accounting and finance profession. NABA openly welcomes students of all nationalities and majors. For more information, check out NABA's website.
Pace Advertising Club: dedicated to providing members with a crucial leg up in the fast-paced, ever-competitive advertising industry. Open to all majors, this club meets weekly during Common Hour. For more information about the Pace Advertising Club and its activities, check out the Advertising Club SetterSync page.
Pace Blockchain Association: is an organization dedicated to the discussion of cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin to Litecoin to anything in between. The Association is dedicated to learning and understanding the rapidly growing market that is crypto trading and mining. For more information, check out the Pace Blockchain Association SetterSync page.
Pace Investment Club: helps students interested in investments (regardless of their previous knowledge or investment experience) strengthen their understanding of how to invest for one’s future. Students will learn to analyze stocks in particular sectors, participate in a virtual stock exchange, hear from speakers, participate in debates, and more! For more information, check out the Pace Investment Club SetterSync page.
Pace University Economics Society: Are you interested in economics? Do you want to know more than your classes offer? Have you been looking for ways to reach out to Pace alumni to see what life is like after graduation? The Economics Society wants to make all this possible and more! For more information, check out the Economics Society SetterSync page.
Pace University Marketing Association (PUMA): provides students with the opportunity, education, and experience to differentiate themselves from the competition. A successful collegiate chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA), PUMA places strong emphasis on professional development, so that its members are properly prepared for any job or internship opportunity. For more information check out their SetterSync page.
Profashionals: provides a forum for education, practice development, guidance, and advocacy of the best business practices in the fashion industry. Over the years, they’ve brought you the Dress for Success networking event featuring CollegeFashionista and “The Intern Queen” Lauren Berger, business card workshops, and much more! Check out the Profashionals SetterSync page for more information.
Women in Corporate America (WICA): dedicated to being future leaders of Corporate America by building inner strength, excelling professionally and academically, and helping fellow students succeed in the community. WICA fosters a leadership environment, develops relationships among current members and alumni, hosts professional workshops, networks with external organizations, and is involved in community service. For more information, check out the WICA SetterSync page.
For more information on professional organizations and for business-related honors societies, visit the Lubin website.