Pace Now

Pace Magazine

Lubin’s Ivan Fox Scholar and Professor of Law Jessica Magaldi, JD, is helping to close the gap between what’s reflected in course material and reality, by examining representation of women as protagonists and antagonists in case studies.

July 10, 2024
Pace Magazine

Missed an issue of Pace Magazine? Catch up with past issues here.

July 5, 2024
In the Media

Inside Higher Ed features an article showcasing successful effective initiatives in recruiting diverse students to the humanities they highlight Pace University’s Writing for Diversity and Equity in Theater and Media program, which mandates that students’ complete humanities and theater courses, as well as engage with working professionals on a regular basis through master classes and field trips, to build professional development.

June 21, 2024
Inside Higher Ed
In the Media

Vice President of Professional Education, Interdisciplinary, and Special Programs Shawn O'Riley was featured on The Business Council of Westchester’s Podcast Network, where he discusses strategies, tools, and stories that fuel successful talent management.

April 12, 2024
The Business Council of Westchester

Psychology programs at Pace University offer students an international advantage in understanding mental health and wellness in a globalized world.

March 29, 2024

New York legislation has paved the way for easier voting access among college students. Discover how Pace students benefit from this game-changing law, get registered to vote, and leverage campus resources for active participation in democracy.

March 22, 2024
Research and Scholarship

Haub Law Professor Bridget Crawford’s forthcoming book, Social Movements and the Law: Talking About Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, co-authored with Lolita Buckner Inniss, Dean and Professor, University of Colorado Law School, will be published by the University of California Press.

February 20, 2024
In the Media

Professor Katrina Kuh speaks to Governors' Wind Energy Coalition about the Supreme Court appearing to be on the verge of erasing a tool for federal agencies to defend their environmental regulations against legal attack.

“It’s just so unfortunate that we are entering a moment where we are starting to have to respond to the real-world, on-the-ground impacts of climate change,” said Katrina Fischer Kuh, an environmental law professor at Pace University. “It would be great to have a network of expert scientists to help us in this moment, and it feels like we are in the exact opposite place.”

February 16, 2024

Twenty students from Pace’s Haub School of Law and Dyson College embarked on a profound interdisciplinary field study to Alabama alongside the Equal Justice Initiative, looking into history to understand its impact on the present and actively seek ways to eliminate injustice and inequality.

February 7, 2024
Pace Magazine

Pace’s First Generation Program is dedicated to uplifting and supporting first-gen students who are often left to chart their own course. Read on for student perspectives on the unique challenges and experiences these students face.

January 18, 2024