Environmental Science, BS

STEM badge

This program is STEM designated, which means you will be trained in areas of technology that are in high demand with United States employers. International students studying in person on student visas will be eligible for an Optional Practical Training (OPT) extension of 24 months, for a total of 36 months.

A Scientific Perspective

In this program you will learn about and help to develop the science that informs how we understand and make decisions about the environment. Designed for students interested in ecological systems and how humans impact those systems, this interdisciplinary environmental science degree provides both basic and applied knowledge needed to understand the environment and its associated problems.

Envisioning Solutions

  • The curriculum trains students to be active scientists in the field, gaining vital skills and professional experience.
  • Students conduct independent laboratory and field research in collaboration with highly respected faculty members, often at a level typically reserved for graduate students, using scientific resources one would expect to find at a large research institution.
  • As you work toward your degree, you will gain both basic and applied knowledge of environmental science through fieldwork and internships.

Take Courses Like…

This major can be tailored to suit your career objectives, provide many opportunities to gain hands-on experience beyond the classroom, and culminate in a capstone research project comprised of laboratory or fieldwork with a faculty member.

Add Opportunities And Experiences

Students enrolled in this program have presented the results of their research work at national and international scientific meetings and have authored papers in respected scientific journals. Past students have been recipients of international fellowships for continued study in the United States and abroad. Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through working with our many community partners to tackle environmental issues affecting our region and the world.

Our students regularly partner with organizations such as:

  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Billion Oyster Project
  • Nature Conservancy
  • NYC’s Mayor’s Office of Sustainability
  • Pocantico River Alliance
  • Riverkeeper
  • Rockefeller State Park Preserve
  • Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
  • Student Conservation Association
  • Teatown Lake Reservation
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Westchester County Parks and Recreation
  • Wildlife Conservation Society

Join A Student-Led Club

The Pace Sustainability Initiative (NYC Campus) is a student organization that teaches, assists, and proposes sustainability initiatives aimed at increasing the efficiency of resource use, reduction of waste, and preservation of ecosystems and animal species.

NATURE (Westchester Campus) is a student organization that serves as an outlet for students who have an appreciation and concern for the natural environment, engaging students and forging a sense of responsibility to environmental stewardship.

GreenPace Sustainability Committee

GreenPace Sustainability Committee (both campuses) serves as an incubator of ideas where students, staff, faculty, and administrators can develop sustainability proposals, create research projects, and implement various green practices while involving the Pace and outside community.

"Pace University allows me to be on the front lines of the environmental movement, and provides me the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself. I always felt like New York City was the place where history could be made any day, and I wanted to be a part of it when that happens." —Thomas Carpenito ’21

Choose Your Career

Many of our students go on to advanced environmental degree programs at Pace or at other renowned institutions, or work in public or private environmental science organizations.

Career Options For Graduates Of This Degree Program

Potential career paths for students with a BS in Environmental Science include:

  • Conservation
  • Conservation Biology
  • Community Agriculture and Food Systems
  • Environmental Regulation and Assessment
  • Endangered Species Protection
  • GIS (geographic information systems)
  • Natural Resource Management

Where Graduates Are Employed

  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
  • Department of Environmental Protection (NYS and NYC)
  • GrowNYC
  • Long Island Sound Taskforce
  • NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
  • NYCO Environmental Consulting Firm
  • NY/NJ Port Authority
  • New York Zoological Society
  • Smithsonian National Zoo
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Westchester County Department of Conservation
  • Wildlife Conservation Society