Student walking on the Pace University, Pleasantville campus

Presidential Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion

The Presidential Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion has been charged by the Office of the President to look at the Pace experience for all our students, especially those from historically underrepresented communities, and report back on ways to improve it.

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), in partnership with the Student Government Association diversity ambassadors, developed the DEI Peer Facilitator program, a group of peer educators who will host community-based projects and special events to promote belonging on campus. We will soon be launching a web portal on which members of the Pace Community can register incidents or experiences contradictory to the inclusive environment we seek to sustain.

Updates will be shared with the Pace Community.

University Definitions

An anti-racist is someone who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing antiracist ideas. This includes the expression or ideas that racial groups are equals and none needs developing, and is supporting policy that reduces racial inequity.
Source - Ibram X Kendi, How to be an Antiracist, Random House, 2019.

A certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.
Source - International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA). Adopted by Pace SGA-NYC January 2021.

Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race, ethnicity, and gender—the groups that most often come to mind when the term "diversity" is used— but also age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, and physical appearance. It also involves different ideas, perspectives, and values.
Source - UC Berkeley Center for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity

Is defined as “the state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair.” The concept of equity is synonymous with fairness and justice. It is helpful to think of equity as not simply a desired state of affairs or a lofty value. To be achieved and sustained, equity needs to be thought of as a structural and systemic concept.

Source - The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2014). Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide: Embracing Equity: 7 Steps to Advance and Embed Race Equity and Inclusion Within Your Organization. Baltimore, MD: The Anni E. Casey Foundation. Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide website

Implicit Bias
Also known as unconscious or hidden bias, implicit biases are negative associations that people unknowingly hold. They are expressed automatically, without conscious awareness. Many studies have indicated that implicit biases affect individuals’ attitudes and actions, thus creating real- world implications, even though individuals may not even be aware that those biases exist within themselves. Notably, implicit biases have been shown to trump individuals’ stated commitments to equality and fairness, thereby producing behavior that diverges rom the explicit attitudes that many people profess.

Source - State of the Science Implicit Bias Review 2013, Cheryl Staats, Kirwan Institute, The Ohio State University.

Authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power. As a member of a community, you can diversity and lack inclusion.

Source - OpenSource Leadership Strategies

The everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.

Source - “Microaggressions: More than Just Race,” Derald Wing Sue, Psychology Today, November 17, 2010.

Unearned social power accorded by the formal and informal institutions of society to ALL members of a dominant group (e.g. white privilege, male privilege, etc.). Privilege is usually invisible to those who have it because we’re taught not to see it, but nevertheless it puts them at an advantage over those who do not have it.

Source - Colors of Resistance Archive website

A socially constructed system of categorizing humans largely based on observable physical features (phenotypes) such as skin color and ancestry. There is no scientific basis for or discernible distinction between racial categories. The ideology of race has become embedded in our identities, institutions, and culture, and is used as a basis for discrimination and domination.

Source - University of Southern California, Center for Urban Education Rossier School of Education

Racial Justice
The systematic fair treatment of people of all races, resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for all. Racial justice—or racial equity—goes beyond “anti-racism.” It is not just the absence of discrimination and inequities, but also the presence of deliberate systems and supports to achieve and sustain racial equity through proactive and preventative measures.

Source - Race Forward Guide (PDF)

Racism is different from racial prejudice, hatred, or discrimination. Racism involves one group having the power to carry out systematic discrimination through the institutional policies and practices of the society and by shaping the cultural beliefs and values that support those racist policies and practices.

Source - Dismantling Racism Works Web Workbook

The fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.

Source - Merriam Webster website