Three Pace Students sitting on a bench and talking

Academic Scheduling

What requests require a Schedule Change Request Form?
Any and all items mentioned on the Schedule Change Request Form (PDF) require the submission of a Schedule Change Request Form that has been signed by the Dean and Chair and sent through the HelpDesk.

What requests require a New/Revised Course Catalog Form?
Any and all items mentioned on the Course Catalog Form (previously known as New/Revised Course Catalog Form) require the submission of this Form, which must be signed by the Dean’s council (with exceptions listed on the document), the department Chair and Provost’s Office. The Provost’s Office then submits the forms to Academic Scheduling through the HelpDesk.

New Topics Courses must have a completed form submitted to Academic Scheduling through the HelpDesk, but do not require submission to Dean’s Council or the Provost’s Office.

I need to make an update to the Schedule/Course/Section as soon as possible, can I have the task expedited now and send in the paperwork later?
All changes to the Schedule/Course/Section MUST be sent to Academic Scheduling via a signed and completed Schedule Change Request form (PDF) by the department’s Associate Dean, Chair or designated assignee, through the HelpDesk system, before any updates can be made.

How can I find what courses are being offered each semester?
All semester course offerings can be found on Schedule Explorer or on the Academic Catalog, which can be found in your Pace Portal.

Where can I find the dates for late start classes?
All late start dates can be found on the Academic Scheduling webpage.

Who do I ask about available Course Numbers for new courses and topics courses?
Departments determine the course number after clarifying with Scheduling if it is available to use.

How do I get access to my department’s proofs in the proofing system?
The Associate Dean or Chairperson must confirm that you are supposed to have access to view/edit the department proofs by submitting a request through the HelpDesk. Scheduling will then set up your access and reply with confirmation of it being updated.

Does Academic Scheduling handle faculty assignments?
No, faculty assignments are the responsibility of the academic departments. Please refer to the department Chair or Program Coordinator for issues regarding this matter.

Does the Academic Scheduling Team schedule events?
Academic Scheduling creates Ad Hoc Reservations for Class Events, meaning the reservation is for a specific section or group of sections that include the following information: Course Subject, Course Number, CRN, capacity and reservation dates, which normally are held outside the section’s assigned meeting pattern. All events not pertaining to classes, such as student reservation or organization reservations, must be handled by the Special Events or Student Development and Campus Activities Departments.

If I have a student or students who require special accommodations for classroom accessibility, how do I make this request?
The Chair or Associate Dean of the department must reach out to Academic Scheduling with this request, noting the specific requirements. We will then analyze location availability to accommodate the student’s needs.

If I’m an Instructor, and I want a specific room, or I have specific requirements for my class, how do I go about making this request?
ALL Faculty questions, concerns, or requests for Academic Scheduling must be submitted directly from the Department Chair/Director through the HelpDesk. Although we cannot guarantee assignment for a specific space, we will do our best to accommodate your room type needs.

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Degree Audit/Verification

When will I receive my degree audit/degree verification? I have submitted my application for graduation but have not received my audit.

  • Degree verifications are sent to students during the semester they are expected to graduate (Fall term for December candidates, Spring term for May candidates, Summer sessions for August candidates).
  • Students should view their Degree Works report if they are unsure of their graduating status or do not want to wait for their audit. Students should contact their academic advisor if they believe there are any errors or discrepancies. Their advisor will then reach out to the degree verification staff to submit waivers or substitutions to satisfy the requirements.

Why is my degree verification incorrect? My advisor told me this course was waived, my advisor told me I could substitute this requirement, etc.
Any and all exceptions to Degree Works must be approved by the department and submitted in writing. Students should contact their academic advisor if they believe there are any errors or discrepancies. Their advisor will then reach out to the degree verification staff to submit waivers or substitutions to satisfy the requirements.

My waiver/substitution has been submitted, when will I see it on Degree Works?
All substitution or waiver forms should be submitted through a support request to the Office of the Registrar. Once submitted, forms are usually processed within two-to-three business days, depending on volume. Once the form has been processed you will be able to see it immediately in Degree Works.

When will my degree be conferred?
Degrees cannot be conferred until the semester has ended and all grades have been submitted. Once the semester has ended the degree verification staff has approximately three weeks to confer degrees for all pending graduating students. Students can review their Degree Works report to check if any requirements are still outstanding or if any grades are still pending. If there are still missing requirements they should contact their advisor who can reach out to the degree verification staff to submit any required documentation to satisfy the requirements.

How do I know if my degree has been awarded/conferred?
Students whose programs are in Degree Works will be able to see that their degree has been awarded there. All students can check their degree status by viewing their unofficial transcript on the Pace Portal. The status will show near the top of both the Degree Works report and the unofficial transcript.

When will I receive my diploma? Why haven’t I received my diploma?
Diplomas are mailed to the mailing address on file. They are typically sent 6–8 weeks after the close of the class. Students can view and update their mailing address on their Pace Portal.

How do I receive a copy of my diploma if I never received it? Lost it? Damaged it?

  • If you have just recently graduated please allow 8–10 weeks from the date the semester ends before inquiring about your diploma. Diplomas are ordered 6–8 weeks after the semester has ended and takes additional time for mailing.
  • If you have not just recently graduated or have lost or damaged your diploma please submit an Application for Replacement Diploma. Please make sure to submit the notarized application along with all required documentation as outlined on the form and payment before submitting the request to our office. Students whose diplomas have been damaged must return the original diploma to our office before a new one can be ordered.

How do I change my major?
Students must submit a Declaration or Change of Major form (which also includes degree, minor, and/or concentration) with all of the necessary signatures from the Department.

My major is listed wrong in Degree Works. What do I do?
If you have already submitted a Declaration or Change of Major or Program form (which would include the degree, minor, and/or concentration you have chosen) with all of the necessary signatures, then please contact the Registrar for an update. If you have not submitted the form, please make an appointment with your advisor to start the process.

When will I see my major change on the Pace Portal?
Once a student’s major has been changed they will be able to view it immediately on their portal. Degree Works will be updated the following morning.

My professor changed my grade, will I receive an updated degree verification right after the change?
Grade changes can take up to 24 hours to update in Degree Works and on the Pace Portal. Students may not immediately receive an updated degree verification but they can view their Degree Works report and if the grade change is not reflected after 24 hours they should contact our office.

I don’t see my Transfer Credits/CLEP/Study Abroad credits on the Degree Works report. Who can I speak to?
Please email

Where should I send my transcript when I take courses at another school?
Electronic transcripts can be sent to, or the physical hard copies can be sent to:

Pleasantville Campus
Office of the Registrar
861 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570

How do I take a (non-medical) Leave of absence?
Students must submit an approved Leave of Absence through a support request to the Office of the Registrar. The form must be signed by the Dean of the School/College of the student’s major prior to submitting it. All courses for the term of the Leave of Absence must be dropped prior to submitting the request.

How can I return to Pace to complete my degree requirements after taking a (non-medical) Leave of Absence or time off?
Students who have taken a Leave of Absence or have not attended for a semester or longer must submit a Resumption of Studies application through a support request to the Office of the Registrar. The application requires approval from the student’s Academic Advisor or Associate/Assistant Dean or Dean/Chairperson of the Department of their School prior to submitting the form.

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Transcript and Verification

How to get a transcript (students, former students, and alumni)?

How do I submit an order for a transcript with the National Student Clearinghouse?
Review the Online Transcript Ordering System for Student (PDF) guide.

How do I track a Clearinghouse order?
Track Transcript Order Status

Are there Clearinghouse Ordering FAQ?
Yes, National Student Clearinghouse offers a wide variety of FAQ.

How do I get an unofficial transcript?
Unofficial transcripts are only available via Pace Portal for current students. Former students or alumni can request their completed transcript online via the National Student Clearinghouse.

How do I get a student enrollment or degree verification?

How do I get a 3rd party enrollment or degree verification for a current or former student?

For more information, visit our Transcript and Verification page.

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Transfer Credit Evaluation

How many credits can I transfer as an undergraduate student?

  • A maximum of 68 credits may be transferred from an accredited two-year institution toward your undergraduate degree
  • A maximum of 90 credits may be transferred to a 120 credit degree program from an accredited four-year institution.
  • A maximum of 96 credits may be transferred to a 128 credit degree program from an accredited four-year institution.

For more detailed information according to your degree program, please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.

When will my transfer credits appear on my Degree Works?
Transfer credits are still in the process of being finalized within the first month of your first semester, but should be completed by the week before registration begins. If you don’t receive an Official Transfer Credit Evaluation or see your credits reflected in Degree Works by the week before registration, submit a submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar.

How can I have my course(s) re-evaluated?
You can submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar. Include which course you want to be re-evaluated, the syllabus for the course, and which Pace course you think it should be equivalent to and why.

I took a college class in high school, and I sent in my high school transcript, so why don’t I see my transfer credits?
Even though you took the course while you were in high school, we still need the transcript from the college that you took the course at in order to process it effectively. Please have your official transcript sent directly to the Office of the Registrar, or you may bring it to us in a sealed envelope. It will not be considered official if you submit your own PDF or already opened envelope.

If you have it sent by mail, please have it addressed to the following:

Pace University
Office of the Registrar
Transfer Credit Office
861 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570

I want to transfer credit as a graduate student. How can I do so?
You will need to meet with your academic advisor regarding what you can transfer, as graduate students are limited to 6 credits that need to be approved by the department, and you must receive a ‘B’ or higher. If credit can be granted, your advisor will need to submit that approval to our office.

Can I take courses at other colleges while I’m completing my degree at Pace?
Yes. However, while matriculated, students may only take a maximum of 12 credits at other colleges. You must submit a Permission to Enroll in a Course at Another Institution (CAAI) form (PDF) for each course before you register for it, and it lists requirements that need to be met in order to receive registrar approval to be granted credit. Forms can be submitted online through a support request to the Office of the Registrar

How do I take courses at another institution?
Before you can take courses at another institution, you must first get permission to take the course, by filling out the Permission to Enroll in a Course at Another Institution (CAAI) form (PDF). The form requires you to obtain approval from your academic advisor, so your next step should be meeting with them before doing anything else. Your advisor can also work with you on what colleges and courses would be best for your degree program.

How do I obtain approvals to take courses at another institution?
You must fill out a Permission to Enroll in a Course at Another Institution (CAAI) form (PDF). It lists several requirements that must be met in order to receive credit, and the form must be approved by your academic advisor. If the course is not already approved and listed on our Transfer Credit Database you will need to reach out to the respective Pace University department to have the course evaluated and given a Pace equivalent course. When you have completely filled out the form, either you or your advisor should submit it through a support request to the Office of the Registrar.

Once I have submitted my CAAI, received approval, and taken the course, what do I do to receive the transfer credit?
You must have your official transcript sent from the institution directly to our office, or you may bring it to us in a sealed envelope; it will not be considered official if you submit your own PDF or already opened envelope.

If you have it sent by mail, please have it addressed to the following:

Pace University
Office of the Registrar
Transfer Credit Office
861 Bedford Road
​Pleasantville, NY 10570

Is the CAAI form available electronically?
At this time, the form is only available as a PDF.

Where do I send my transcript (current Pace students only)?
Please have your official transcript sent directly to the Office of the Registrar, or you may bring it to us in a sealed envelope— it will not be considered official if you submit your own PDF or already opened envelope.

If you have it sent by mail, please have it addressed to the following:

Pace University
Office of the Registrar
Transfer Credit Office
861 Bedford Road
​Pleasantville, NY 10570

What CLEP should I take?
We recommend that you meet with your academic advisor to determine which exam best fits into your degree program. Explore what Pace University currently accepts for CLEP exams (PDF).

What course should I take that will transfer in?
We recommend that you meet with your academic advisor to determine which college and which course best fits with your financial situation and degree program. We have a Transfer Credit Database that lists all currently pre-approved courses at a variety of colleges and universities across the country.

I took AP/CLEP/IB exams and I don’t see them in Degree Works, where are they?
You need to have your score report sent to Pace. Please allow 7–14 business days for us to receive and process your credits. If that time passes and you have not received an Official Transfer Credit Evaluation, submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar to inquire about the status.

What is the status of my transfer credits? Why don’t they appear on my Degree Works?
If you are a transfer student or first-year student transferring credits taken prior to coming to Pace: Transfer credits are still in the process of being finalized within the first month of your first semester, but should be completed by the week before registration begins. If you don’t receive an Official Transfer Credit Evaluation or see your credits reflecting in Degree Works by the week before registration, submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar to inquire.

If you took a course at another institution while at Pace: If you have completed all of the necessary steps (submitting your CAAI and having your transcript sent to us directly from the other institution) and 7–14 business days have passed, submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar to inquire about the status of your transfer credits.

If you are taking a leave of absence to take courses outside of Pace or resuming after an absence: If you have completed all of the necessary steps (submitting your resumption application, having your transcript sent to us directly from each institution) and 7–14 business days have passed, submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar to inquire about the status of your transfer credits. You may also need to submit syllabi for any courses that have not already been given Pace equivalent courses.

Did Pace receive my official transcript from the other school I attended?

  • If you had your transcript sent electronically, and have not received an Official Transfer Credit Evaluation from us within 5–7 business days; or
  • If you had your transcript sent via the mail, and have not received an Official Transfer Credit Evaluation from us within 7–14 business days; then
  • Submit submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar.

NOTE: Often, transcripts sent using an official transcript services are automatically sent to the Admissions Office, and when that happens, we aren’t immediately notified. When reaching out via the Front Desk web form, it is helpful to provide us with a receipt showing where exactly it was sent, and when.

What is the processing time for transfer credit evaluations?

Given that you have completed any necessary preceding steps and you are not a new student:

  • If you had your transcript sent electronically, your credits should be processed within 5–7 business days.
  • If you had your transcript sent via the mail, your credits should be processed within 7–14 business days.

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Leave of Absence

In general, a leave of absence is intended to provide a student with time away from their studies due to a temporary circumstance or situation (financial, academic, military service or medical reasons). Students who wish to pause their academic studies with the intention of returning to Pace must submit a Leave of Absence form.

Pausing your studies at Pace through a leave of absence is an important decision that may have personal, academic, and financial consequences which can differ from student to student and from week to week within a semester. It is the student’s responsibility, and in their best interest, to weigh their options and carefully consider how/if pausing their studies at Pace through a leave of absence will impact them prior to submitting the Leave of Absence form.

Who is eligible to request a leave of absence?

Degree-seeking undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students who have not otherwise been suspended or dismissed from Pace University.

How long/how many semesters can a leave of absence last?

The standard length of a leave of absence is one academic semester or a maximum of one full academic year (Fall and Spring).

What impact could taking a leave of absence have on a student?

A leave of absence may have the following impacts on students:

  • Delays in planned graduation date/degree completion.
  • Financial Aid/Scholarships eligibility could be impacted.
  • Loan repayments may be required if a student is not registered in courses.
  • Off-Sequence (for cohort-based programs)
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Residential students who take a leave of absence for any reason must cancel their housing and move out.
  • Residential students are held to the Housing Cancellation Policy (part of the Housing Agreement students must complete and submit before moving into assigned housing).
  • Students taking a leave of absence in a given term are withdrawn from all courses for which they are registered.

Who can I speak with if I am considering a Leave of Absence?

Students can contact their advisor to discuss their specific situation. Students should also contact Financial Aid if they receive any financial aid for more information and consult the online catalog for the full Leave of Absence policy (the full Leave of Absence policy will be available in the 2024-2025 online catalog).

When should I submit a Leave of Absence request?

Students who have finalized their decision to request a leave of absence must submit the Leave of Absence form to the Office of the Registrar during the semester for which the leave is requested. Students can also submit a leave of absence request for a future semester.

What happens after I submit a Leave of Absence request to the Office of the Registrar?

A leave of absence requested during a term will result in the withdrawal from all coursework for the given term. “W” grades will be assigned for each course, and the student’s record will be updated to reflect the leave of absence. The standard length of a leave of absence is one academic semester or a maximum of one full academic year (Fall and Spring).

If the reason for my leave of absence is due to medical reasons, is the process different?

Yes. A student can request a Medical Leave of Absence for a period up to two consecutive full semesters (or longer at the institution's discretion).

In requesting a medical leave, students must include a note from their healthcare provider confirming the student is under their care and that a Medical Leave of Absence is necessary for their recovery/treatment when submitting the Leave of Absence form. Please note, students do not have to submit detailed medical information in this letter from their medical provider for the purpose of requesting a leave of absence for medical reasons. A template for the healthcare provider letter can be found in the full Leave of Absence policy which will be available in the 2024-2025 online academic catalog.

Can I take a leave of absence if I am an International Student?

Maybe. International students should know that immigration regulations may prohibit those granted a leave of absence from maintaining their visa status.

The University is legally obligated to report a leave of absence for any reason by a student with an F-1 visa to the Department of Homeland Security. Students attending Pace on an F-1 visa who are contemplating a leave of absence must first consult with an advisor in the International Students and Scholars (ISS) Office (and again when they apply to resume their studies at Pace following an approved leave of absence.)

Do I have to pay my bill if I request a Leave of Absence after the semester has started?

It depends. All students are subject to the university tuition cancellation policies and refund schedules. After the 5th week of most fall and spring semesters, students are 100% liable for tuition. Residential students who take a leave of absence are held to the Housing Cancellation Policy as outlined in their Housing Agreement.

Will a leave of absence affect my financial aid awards and/or eligibility?

It could. Students on a leave of absence are withdrawn from the University for the purposes of Financial Aid. Consequently, loan repayment obligations may be triggered. Students should speak to a representative of the Financial Aid Office for more detailed information about their financial aid status during a leave of absence before submitting a Leave of Absence form.

Can I take courses at another college/university while I am on a leave of absence from Pace?

Maybe. Prior approval is required to ensure courses/academic credits are eligible to transfer back to Pace and adhere to university transfer credit policies. This includes taking courses or conducting research at another institution while on an approved leave of absence. If a student completes coursework at another institution, official transcripts listing final grades must be submitted to Pace when applying for Resumption of Studies.

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Study Abroad

When are transfer credits from study abroad going to reflect?
There is an 8–12 week processing period for study abroad credits, under the condition that the Education Abroad office has received all necessary documentation, including your transcript and your course equivalency forms. If you have not yet submitted the required form for each course that you took abroad, we cannot process your credit. If you need assistance doing so, please reach out to Education Abroad directly at

Why do my study abroad classes say zero on my transcript and/or in Degree Works?
The credits are included in the bulk credit amount attached to your study abroad registration.

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What is the grade appeal process?
As a general principle, the instructor has sole authority to establish standards of performance and to exercise judgments on the quality of student performance, but in a manner that reflects reasonable and generally acceptable academic requirements. Grades assigned in this fashion are final except as the instructor may wish to review them. No faculty member, administrator, or other individual may substitute his or her judgment of the student’s performance for the reasonable judgment of the instructor.

Students who believe that a final grade received in a course was not determined in a manner consistent with the principle described above may challenge that grade by first arranging, within a reasonable period of time (approximately 10 school days from the time that the student knew or should have known of the final course grade), to meet informally with the instructor to establish a clear understanding of the method by which the grade was determined. Every effort should be made to resolve the matter at the level of the instructor and the student. Students who have difficulty arranging a meeting with the instructor should consult the department chairperson.

If after meeting with the instructor, the student wishes to continue the grade challenge, the student may appeal in writing (with copies to the instructor and the dean of the school) within a reasonable period of time to the chairperson of the department that offers the course in question. The statement should clearly state the basis for questioning the grade received in the course. It should be noted that if the chairperson is the instructor, the appeal is to the dean of the school.

The chairperson’s decision to have a grade reviewed or not is final. If the chairperson decides that the method by which the student’s grade was determined was not proper, the chairperson will apprise the instructor of the basis for questioning the grade and request that the instructor review the grade. If the instructor, for any reason, does not review the grade, the chairperson will request that at least one other faculty member qualified to teach the course in question review the grade. In the process of such a review, the faculty member(s) is (are) authorized to assign a grade change and may, if necessary, require additional examination of the student’s performance as a basis for the grade change.

Students may, at any point in this appeal process, solicit the advice and assistance of an individual faculty or staff member. This individual’s authority in these matters is limited to mediating the relationship between the student and the instructor and/or chairperson.

When are grades submitted?
Final grades must be submitted within five business days after the end of the semester, except for graduating seniors whose final grades are due within 48 hours after the end of the semester.

How does change of grade work?
No grade beyond six months after the end of the semester in which the course was taken is eligible to be changed. No grade will be changed or recomputed nor will withdrawal be permitted after a degree has been awarded.

What are the rules on Pass-Fail?
Undergraduate students with 60 credits and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 may take one elective course per semester pass-fail. Core courses and major courses are excluded. Not more than four courses toward the degree may be taken on a pass-fail basis. Only a grade of "F" will be computed into the GPA. Students must notify the University of their intent to take a course pass-fail within the first two weeks of a fourteen-week term, or the first week of a four-, six-, or seven-week session.

What are the rules on auditing?
A student may enroll in a class as an auditor; however full tuition is paid to audit, while no grade or credit for the course is received. The student’s transcript will be annotated with a grade of AUD. Students applying for an audit elective must complete the appropriate forms within the first two weeks of a regular semester and within the first week of a summer session.

How does recomputation of grades work for graduate students?
Graduate students may request, on a one-time only basis, that the repeat grade for a course in which a grade of "F" or "I-F" was originally received be the only grade averaged in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. In this case, however, both grades will still be shown on the transcript. Recomputation is not permitted after a degree has been awarded.

How does recomputation of grades work for graduate students?
If an undergraduate student repeats a course, only the grade and credits earned the last time the course was taken will be computed in the cumulative GPA. The GPA average will be recomputed only for the semester in which the student repeats the course; the average of the semester in which the course(s) was first taken will not be changed. The GPA will be recomputed automatically upon receipt of the final grade. If a student withdraws from the course during the semester in which it is being repeated, the cumulative GPA will reflect the original grade. recomputation is not permitted after a degree has been awarded. Students who receive permission to take a course at another institution for which they failed to attain a passing grade at Pace will have the credit earned at the other institution treated as transfer credit at Pace (provided they attain a grade of "C" or better). The course may not be used to recompute the failing grade at Pace.

What are the grade requirements for transfer credits?
Undergraduate transfer credit may be received only for courses taken at regionally accredited institutions in which a grade of C or better was earned (C– grades are not transferable). The grades received at other institutions will not be used in the calculation of the Pace University cumulative grade point average. Credit will also be granted for courses in which a grade of P has been earned as long as the other institution’s grading scale clearly indicates the P grade as being equivalent to at least a grade of C (2.0).

How do I view my grades online?
In the Pace Portal, click the Student section. Then click on the "Check Grades" button.

If I have an “incomplete” for a course, how long do I have to submit the necessary documents to secure a grade?
Inability to complete required course work or to take an examination may, at the discretion of the instructor, result in a grade of "I." A maximum of six weeks will be provided to allow the student to complete the required course work or examination. If the course requirements are not completed within the six-week period, the grade of "I" will automatically become an "F" failing grade.

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Degree Works

My advisor is missing or is incorrect. How can this be updated?
If the advisor is listed incorrectly or is missing altogether, please visit Academic Advising.

I tested out of a requirement, but why is Degree Works not recognizing it?
Degree Works can only read testing scores for certain requirements. For example, most students who tested out of English 110 will see that requirement waived. If you tested out of requirement and it is not reflected in Degree Works, please submit a submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar.

I don’t see my transfer credits on the Degree Works report. Who can I speak to?
Please submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar.

What should I do if my degree/major/minor/concentration is listed incorrectly?
If you have already submitted a Declaration or Change of Major or Program form (which would include the degree, minor, and/or concentration you have chosen) with all of the necessary signatures, then please contact the Office of the Registrar to update. If you have not submitted the form, please make an appointment with your advisor to start the process. Please submit the approved form through a support request to the Office of the Registrar.

How long does it take for my new major/minor/concentration to be reflected on Degree Works?
Once the Declaration or Change of Major or Program form is processed by the Office of the Registrar, Degree Works will be updated the following morning. Please consult with your advisor to determine how long it will take to receive the necessary signatures before the form can be submitted to Office of the Registrar. All substitution or waiver forms should be submitted online to the Office of the Registrar. Once submitted, forms are usually processed within three-to-five business days, depending on volume.

How is the What-If feature used?
The What-If feature allows students and advisors to run a degree report based on a hypothetical situation where the student's major, minor, and/or catalog year is changed. After clicking on the What-If menu link on the left side of the Degree Works screen, the user will be prompted to select several lines of information. In all situations, the Degree type, Catalog Year, Major, and College have to be chosen to successfully run a What-If degree report. Degree Works will automatically default the Degree type and Catalog Year to the student's current information. However, a major and corresponding college will always need to be selected, even in situations where a Minor is being added or subtracted. (If a student is currently registered with a minor but wishes to see a What-If degree report without the minor, simply leaving the minor off while selecting the current major will run the desired degree report).

Please note, the Degree type may need to be changed in accordance to the major and a corresponding concentration may need to be selected to receive a complete What-If degree report. Students should consult with their advisor when using the What-If feature.

What does “IP” mean in the grade column?
“IP” signifies that a course on the student’s record is currently “In-Progress.” This includes courses taken during the current term or registered for in a future term.

Are “IP” or “In-Progress” courses included in the credit totals in Degree Works?
Yes. Degree Works assumes the course will be passed with a satisfactory grade. In situations where a satisfactory grade is not achieved by the student, Degree Works will automatically move the course to the Insufficient section of the Degree Report once the grade is entered for the term.

How are 6-credit INT courses handled in Degree Works?
6-credit INT courses usually comprise two 3-credit courses. Unfortunately, Degree Works can only read 6-credit INT courses as one singular course that fulfills one requirement. If you have successfully completed a 6-credit INT course, and need that course to fulfill two separate three-credit requirements, submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar. Prior to registering for a 6-credit INT course, please consult with your advisor to make sure it fulfills the requirements you are looking for.

In the Areas of Knowledge (AOK) section, can a course be moved from one area to another if it has the correct attributes?
Yes. It is not uncommon for a course to have more than one kind of AOK attribute. Degree Works attempts to find the best fit based on the student’s current academic history. If a course has more than one AOK attribute and the student wishes to have it fulfill a different Area than what Degree Works defaults to, submit a support request to the Office of the Registrar for a manual adjustment. Please be aware that once the student registers for additional courses that fulfill the Areas of Knowledge section, Degree Works will reevaluate the other courses and attempt to find the best fit scenario.

I completed my foundation language requirement, but Degree Works report still says it’s incomplete. Who do I contact about this?
Please contact your advisor if you have any questions regarding this requirement.

After the three-letter subject code, I see a range of numbers, for example 100:499. What does this mean?
Two numbers separated by a colon indicates a range for the course number. For example, if Degree Works says “1 Course in ENG 200:499,” then one course in English (course numbers) 200 through English 499 can satisfy the requirement.

What is the Look Ahead feature?
The Look Ahead feature allows the placement of theoretical course registration and the review of how those courses will fulfill requirements in the student’s degree report.

What is the GPA Calculator?
There two different GPA Calculators:

  • The Term Calculator allows the placement of hypothetical grades for the courses the student is registered for in the current term. Degree Works will calculate a new overall GPA for the student.
  • The Advice Calculator allows users to enter a desired GPA and Degree Works will offer advice on how that GPA can be achieved through future grades, if it is possible.

It is important to be realistic when imputing the student’s grades or a desired GPA as to not create unrealistic expectations.

What is the History section?
The History section contains degree reports that were digitally “frozen” or saved on Degree Works by the Office of the Registrar or an advisor/faculty member. There is a dropdown menu where you can find the frozen degree reports, which are saved and titled by date.

My advisor told me they left a note on my report, where can I find this?
Notes can be found on the bottom of the degree report.

How do I print a copy of my Degree Works report?
To print or save a digital copy of a degree report from Degree Works, click on the Save As PDF button that is located near the top of the degree report. This will open a PDF file where it can be saved or printed.

Which internet browser should be used with Degree Works?
It is recommended that the Chrome internet browser be used when logging on to Degree Works. Microsoft’s Edge and Apple’s Safari may be used, but some functionality could be limited. The Firefox browser has some compatibility issues with Degree Works.

Can Degree Works be used on my mobile device?
Degree Works can be used on some smart phones and tablet devices; however results vary. Please be cautious when viewing Degree Works on these devices.

Is Degree Works available off campus?
Yes, Degree Works is available for students to use off campus. Faculty, advisors, and Pace staff members should first VPN onto the Pace Network.

What do the different instructional methods mean?

  • On-campus (ONCMP): Course is taught with only traditional in-person, on-campus class meetings.
  • Web-assisted (WA): Course is taught with both on-campus sessions and online components.
  • HyFlex or Hybrid-Flex (HYFLX): Course is taught with some physical, on-campus participation and some remote Zoom participation. Instructors work with students to determine the attendance location. See HyFlex for more information.
  • Online: Course is delivered fully remotely with no on-campus components. Courses may be:
    • Asynchronous (ASYNC): Course is taught online with students participating at their own times. There will be assignments, quizzes/tests, projects and/or discussions that students have the flexibility to complete within a set period each week.
    • Synchronous (SYNC): Course is taught online in real time using Zoom. Students will be required to participate at set times from their own home/residence hall or remote location.
    • Mixed (MIXAS): Course is taught using a combination of real-time Zoom sessions and self-paced or asynchronous activities.

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What are prerequisites?

Prerequisites are conditions, usually another class, often with a minimum grade, that needs to be completed prior to starting another class. Other types of prerequisites include minimal Placement Test scores.

Where do I look up prerequisites for my courses?

Prerequisites are listed for each course in the online catalog, Schedule Explorer, Registration Module and Pace Portal.

Why am I getting prerequisite error when registering?

If you do not meet the prerequisite requirement for a class, you will not be able to register for this class until you complete the prerequisite or be in the process of completing it during the on-going semester.

What if I’m taking prerequisite course right now?

In-progress courses will satisfy prerequisite checking. However, if a sufficient grade is not achieved at the end of the in-progress semester, prerequisite will be unsatisfied, and students will be dropped from the corresponding course in the upcoming semester.

What if my prerequisite course is a transfer credit that is still pending?

Only the transfer courses that were officially added to your Pace academic record and appear on the transcript will count towards prerequisites. Please ensure all your transfer credits are processed prior to the start of the registration.

What is the difference between prerequisites and corequisites?

Prerequisites must be completed before starting the next course in the sequence. Corequisites are completed during the same semester.

Can I take both courses at the same time?

You cannot take both the course and its prerequisite in the same semester unless the department has allowed for the prerequisite(s) to be taken before or during the same term.

Is there anything I can do if I don’t meet prerequisite, but really need it?

There will be a form you can submit to your Advisor asking for such permission. Please note, these will be approved only in exceptional circumstances.

Are all courses going to have prerequisites enforced?

Yes, all courses that have listed prerequisites will have them enforced.

What if the prerequisite course I need is not offered?

Please fill out a form to request an appropriate substitution or waiver. (Form currently not available.)

What if the prerequisite course is full?

Please fill out a form to request an appropriate substitution or waiver. (Form currently not available.)

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How do i register for classes?

You can register for classes online 7 days a week, 24-hours a day once you are eligible to do so.

How do i know when to register?

You are able to view your registration dates and times under the "Registration Status" section of My Pace Portal. This information will be available approximately a week prior to the opening of semester registration.

How do i withdraw from a class after the semester has started?

During the fall or spring semester, you may withdraw from a class during the first 8 weeks of the semester without special permission. However, it is required that you consult with your adviser and/or your instructor before making this decision. You can drop via the web but you should get a print out of your transaction for your file.

During the 9th and 10th weeks of the term, you must have the approval of your instructor and the Dean to withdraw from a course without academic penalty. After the 10th week of the semester, withdrawals are only permitted when there are extenuating personal or medical circumstances (which must be documented). The specific withdrawal deadline dates for each semester are listed in the Academic Calendar. Students who receive an authorized withdrawal will receive a grade of “W” for the course, which carries no academic penalty but is recorded on the official transcript. However, students who stop attending courses during the semester and do not follow these withdrawal procedures will receive a failing grade for the course.

Important Note

  • Depending on how many credits you withdraw from, and if your total number of credits falls below 12 credits, your financial aid and housing may be affected, so you should also check with those offices before withdrawing from any classes.
  • International Students must follow different guidelines. Please see the next question for more details.

Do international students have specific guidelines for dropping or withdrawing from classes?

International students are required by law to be registered full-time both fall and spring semesters. Full-time for undergraduate students is 12 credits; graduate students is 9 credits.

Do international students need to maintain a certain course load?

International students CANNOT drop courses at any point in the semester if it will take them below full-time status WITHOUT prior permission from an adviser in the Office of International Programs & Services, a Deviation Form will need to be signed to authorize the reduced course load.

How do i remove a hold from my account?

Holds are put on by many different departments for many reasons, usually because the department is in need of Information from a student. These holds may prevent students from registering until that information is received. Students must check their accounts during the early part of each semester to determine if they have any holds, and if they do, they should contact the department from which the hold originates and do whatever is necessary to have it removed.

Visit Pace Portal and check your registration status and to check for any holds (all holds, including Immunization Compliance and Past Due Balance holds, must be cleared before you can register). To ensure a smooth transition and entry to campus housing, access "Student Records" on your Pace Portal, and click "View Holds."

What is Enrollment Verification?

Effective Fall 2021, Faculty will report if a student never attends in our learning management system (Classes). A student who never attends a class will be flagged for non-attendance by faulty within an assigned reporting period. Students are strongly encouraged to contact their instructor by the start of classes if they will be not be attending the first class/s in the semester or will be missing any classes during the semester.

A Student flagged for non-attendance, will be dropped from their class. Any changes to the enrollment status may effect student financial aid eligibility and can result in some/all return of federal and institutional aid. The reduced enrollment will be reported to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and this may trigger repayment on a borrower’s federal direct loans if enrollment is less than half-time.

It is important to note that for an online class logging into the class is not a sufficient indication of attendance, active participation is required. Examples of active participation are: discussion boards, submitting or completing an assignment, quizzes, exams or communicating with the instructor (if determined by the instructor as sufficient to validate participation).

If you feel there is an error in faculty reporting, you may speak with your instructor. If your instructor confirms there was an error, you and your instructor must complete the Enrollment Verification Correction form. Financial Aid will be notified of any enrollment corrections and will reinstate your financial aid.

Please visit Enrollment Verification webpage additional for details.

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Enrollment Verification

Pace University must abide by the US Department of Education guidelines to verify the attendance (including participation for online courses) of students in each class for which they are enrolled. Starting during the Fall 2021 semester, we are implementing this federal requirement for all students in all classes. The Office of Financial Aid can provide more information about enrollment verification and how it could affect you.

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Graduation Application

Why do I have to apply for graduation?

You indicate your intention to graduate within a specified time frame when you apply for graduation. This allows Degree Verification staff to prioritize your student record for accuracy and provides sufficient time for you and your advisor to plan for your final semesters at Pace. If you don’t complete the application process by the published deadline, you will not receive a degree verification, which means your degree will not be awarded on time and your name will not appear in the Commencement program with your classmates.

I submitted my graduation application. What happens next?

After your Graduation Application is submitted, Degree Verification staff review student records based on when the application was submitted and the intended graduation date. The Degree verification team will contact you via your Pace email with necessary information regarding your degree progress and if you are on track for graduation. If you have specific questions about your degree progress or if you believe your degree verification is incorrect, please get in touch with your advisor or department chair.

What is the status of my graduation application?

You can check the status of your Graduation Application from your Pace Portal account or on the Degree Works student information header section.

  • Log on to the Portal to access your Student Profile and select the term from the top-left corner of the screen. You will find “Graduation Information” under your academic information. Click on the “Active” link to view the status of your graduation application.
  • Log onto Degree Works and look for "Graduation Application Status" that also lists your class standing, major, advisor, etc.

I submitted my Graduation Application, but I still need to receive information for attending the Commencement ceremony.

Applying for graduation and registering for the commencement ceremony happen independently of one another. Please visit our Commencement website for information on how to register to participate in the Commencement ceremony.

Where will my diploma be mailed?

The diploma will be mailed to the mailing address listed in your Pace Portal account.

When will my degree be awarded?

Pace is committed to begin conferring degrees within two weeks of the last day of the semester, provided that ALL outstanding grades and requirements have been submitted. Please visit the Graduation webpage for more information.

Why haven’t I received my diploma?

Diplomas are mailed to the mailing address on file. They are typically sent 6–8 weeks after the close of the semester. Students can view and update their mailing address from their Pace Portal account.

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