One Pace Plaza with Students Walking.

Teaching Excellence Award for Part-Time Faculty

Pace Supports Great Teachers

Pace recognizes the valuable contributions of its part-time faculty to the teaching mission of the University. Every year, it selects two part-time faculty members (one from New York City and one from Westchester), whose teaching performance is outstanding, to receive the Teaching Excellence Award for Part-time Faculty.

Part-time faculty members who have taught at Pace for at least 8 semesters and meet the following criteria will be considered:

  1. Evidence of outstanding student learning outcomes;
  2. Unusual effectiveness in classroom performance;
  3. Evidence of student satisfaction via student evaluation scores.

Nominations are submitted by a full-time faculty member at Pace University and should include:

  1. A one or two-page supporting statement indicating how the nominee meets the above criteria, along with a signed endorsement from the part-time faculty member’s Chairperson and school/college Dean;
  2. A summary of student evaluation results for the previous 8 semesters;
  3. At least one peer evaluation by a full-time department faculty member is strongly encouraged.

Nominations may be submitted via email to the Office of the Provost, at, with a copy to the appropriate Dean.

Please submit nominations by 5:00 p.m. on March 3, 2025.

Past Teaching Excellence Award for Part-time Faculty Awardees: