Students walking along a concrete path on the Pace University campus in Pleasantville, New York.

News and Events


NYC Employees

Local NYC law requires employers in New York City to give their employees information about their rights at work. View the Know Your Rights at Work poster (PDF).

Summer Flex Time

Beginning Monday, July 1, 2024, and continuing through Friday, August 30, 2024, full-time employees will have the opportunity to take off five summer flex days in addition to their regular vacation days. At Haub Law, summer flex days may be used from Monday, June 10, 2024, through Friday, August 9, 2024.

These summer flex days are in addition to your standard vacation allocation and are designed to be flexible but also based on the staffing needs of the department. Similar to vacation requests, summer flex days require pre-approval from the supervisor. Following approval from the supervisor, please use the UKG Ready system to officially request the summer flex days just as you are currently using to request vacation days. You may choose to take off five Fridays, or any other workdays, or a combination of half- and full-days. Each school or division will administer flexible summer hours based on its priorities and workload. Each dean and vice president will create a schedule that ensures we continue to provide full service to students and all our other constituencies. Your dean or vice president will announce how the program will work within your area. For more information, please read the Summer Flex FAQ document (PDF).

Vacation Rollover

Pace University policy is that vacation time must be used by June 30 of each year. This year, we will once again allow employees the option of carrying over up to five accrued, unused vacation days from the 2023–2024 fiscal year into the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Any vacation carryover must be used by October 31, 2024. If you leave the University in the new fiscal year, unused rollover vacation carryover days will not be paid out.

We hope that the summer flex days and vacation rollover will help you enjoy the summer as well as remove the pressure of trying to take vacation time by the end of June. To support your overall wellbeing, we also strongly encourage you to plan vacation time during the academic year.

TIAA In person and on campus sessions are back!

TIAA will be conducting in person, on campus Counseling Meetings. Register early, as space is limited. Register for sessions online, or call 1 (800) 732-8353. Below are the summer and fall 2024 scheduled dates for each campus:


No events scheduled at this time.