Pace University IT security team using a laptop

ITS notifies the Pace community on known threats received through SPAM emails. If you received an email which you consider is suspicious, follow the instructions and tips seen below. ITS can provide suggestions for users who have fallen victim to spam email messages.


Students, Faculty, Staff, & Alumni

Outside Institution with limited internal access to Pace resources

How To Get This Service

To report a potential SPAM email, forward the email to as an attachment. An Information Security Office representative will review the contents for possible threats and take appropriate action.

Outside Organizations can email to report potential threats that may have been received by a Pace University user.


For any inquiries about this service, or to submit a request, please click this link to submit a Help Desk Ticket (Pace Portal username, password, and Duo MFA passcode required for login).

Contact the ITS Help Desk

Phone: (914) 773-3333
Toll Free: 1 (855) 722-3487

Learn More

Spam Do’s and Don’ts

Please be aware that spam email may periodically end up in your mailbox. These types of messages may try to disguise themselves as authentic emails, by spoofing “From” addresses from people we know or known companies. They will ask you to send them personal informational because something might be wrong with your account, such as exceeded storage or insufficient information. Some messages might also ask you to help various causes by donating money or sending banking information.

It is important that you DO NOT respond to the request in the email as they are spam. In addition, for any suspicious email messages, DO NOT click on any of the links, attachments, or respond with any type of personal information.

How do I keep from falling victim to a spam message?

To keep your information safe, never share your account information and/or passwords with anyone. Legitimate sources such as ITS or Pace University will never ask for your personal information through email. Delete the email message from your Inbox and then permanently remove it from your Deleted Items folder.

What do I do if I have accidentally responded to a spam message?

If you accidentally responded to a suspicious email, you should immediately contact the ITS Help Desk. ITS Help Desk can provide suggestions for users who have fallen victim to spam email messages. Below are some suggested external services for credit monitoring which Pace University has no affiliation:

Please Note: Pace University is not responsible or liable for any personal information that is disclosed by a user to spam messages.

If you are ever unsure about whether an email is authentic, please contact the Pace Help Desk.